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Acceptable Use Policy
Community Calendars.net, LLC ("Community Calendars.net") provides web based calendar sites for its users as a way for those users to pursue the informational and commercial exchange the Internet affords. To protect the interests of all users and to ensure optimal service levels, Community Calendars.net has developed the following Acceptable Use Policy ("AUP") for users as a guide to user rights and responsibilities when utilizing information offered by Community Calendars.net. Use of any information offered by Community Calendars.net by any user will constitute acknowledgment of and agreement to the terms outlined in this document. This AUP may be revised in part or in full at any time by Community Calendars.net and notices of changes will be posted to the Community Calendars.net sites. Continued use of services offered by Community Calendars.net after such changes or enhancements to the AUP have been made will constitute acceptance of any revisions to the AUP.
All information provided by Community Calendars.net may be used for lawful purposes only. Community Calendars.net does monitor, edit and censor information submitted to this site. Community Calendars.net does not take responsibility for the accuracy of content on the site except inasmuch to determine if violations of the AUP have occurred once a suspected violation has been brought to the attention of Community Calendars.net. Therefore, users are solely responsible for the content and use of their information as provided to Community Calendars.net and should ensure that such information and use falls within the guidelines of the AUP. Community Calendars.net cannot and will not monitor, edit, censor, or otherwise interfere with information or content clients may retrieve from sources outside the Community Calendars.net network even when such information is made available to clients through the use of material deliverable to any site or service maintained by Community Calendars.net, such as via email. Because of this, Community Calendars.net will not be responsible for injury or liability to any user resulting from communications that may be offensive, misleading, illegal, or otherwise unsuitable in the view of the user. Users further agree to indemnify and hold harmless Community Calendars.net or any of its subsidiaries from claims resulting from the use of any provided information which damages the client of any other party.
Data Policy
The data being displayed herein is provided on an "as is" basis. Community Calendars.net, LLC or its sponsors does not guarantee or warrant the correctness, completeness, currentness, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose of the data or and shall not be liable to user for any loss or injury arising out of or caused in whole or in part, by Community Calendars.net, LLC�s negligent acts or omissions in procuring, compiling, collecting, interpreting, reporting, communicating or delivering the data or in otherwise performing its obligations under this agreement. Except as expressly provided in this agreement, all warranties, conditions, representations, indemnities and guarantees, whether express or implied, arising by law, custom, prior oral or written statements or otherwise including, but not limited to, any warranty of merchantability, titles, the condition of any product, or fitness for a particular purpose, are hereby expressly disclaimed and excluded.
Prohibited Activities
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To protect and maintain high availability of all information, activities designed to cause harm to or monopolize the resources of any site in the Community Calendars.net network is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, the use of programs that consume excessive CPU time; distribution of viruses, worms, or any other electronic destructive resource; or maintaining or creating any free for all (FFA) type sites.
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Service and Reporting
Community Calendars.net reserves the right to refuse, cancel, or suspend service at its discretion. All users, direct or indirect all subnetworks and subsidiaries are subject to the terms of this AUP. Any violations of the above policy may be made via email to info@CommunityCalendars.net or via postal mail to:
Community Calendars.net, LLC
1236 Jungermann Road, Suite F
St. Peters, MO 63376
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This document and all portions of the Community Calendars.net web sites, including images, text, and scripts where ownership is not held by third parties are copyright 2000-2003 Community Calendars.net. No portion of this site or the content contained within may be reproduced in any form, or modified or otherwise altered for use by any party without the express permission of Community Calendars.net.

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